Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Things I've Been Up To

I just made this new blog. The title is pretty great, right? It has a ring to it. I've been super bored lately, and my girlfriend is pretty into blogging on her Tumblr. I'm not cool enough for Tumblr. I've used Blogger off and on for like three years. Tumblr confuddles me much too much. I hate it when people say "much too much" as if they're not aware they just used "much" twice with only one word in between. Bitch, please.

I'm very aware I will probably get two views out of this at most. But boredom is boredom, and it leads to usually music, porn, movies, or blogging. I've done the former three tonight already, leaving me one option. Type a stream of consciousness out on Blogger, the failure of blog sites. Well, it's not as awful as Xanga at least. Heard of that site since 2008? Didn't think so.

The last movie I watched was Hellraiser: Bloodline. Not that you care, but fuck you. It's my blog. Anyway, it's the fourth Hellraiser movie. And it's science fiction-y. See a problem? If you have vision, you certainly do. The movies were about sadomasochistic demons to begin with. And part of the movie takes place in a space station. But then again, Apollo 18 one-upped this movie by putting villains who belong even less in space, in space. God. Spoiler alert, but who the fuck thought that moon spiders were a good idea? Moon spiders. Moon spiders. Moon spiders. Moon spiders. Let it sink in.

Anyway, Hellraiser 4. It's as if they drugged Doug Bradley, the actor who plays Pinhead and told him it was only a dream that he was being filmed in a pretend space ship. That's the theory I'd like to stick with, because any other I could not cope with. I'm afraid to watch the rest of the sequels. I liked part four, don't get me wrong. It's entertaining and gory. The story though... God. Creative, yes. Stupid, yes. A good idea, hell no.

I haven't found any good new music lately. Some Toby Keith I hadn't listened to in a few years. I know, I know. Don't worry. I don't listen to his patriotic stuff. I've also re-discovered how much I enjoy Iced Earth. I haven't really stopped liking them since I first heard them. But I listened to them for a long time tonight. Matt Barlow will be missed, the new guy will be a miss. It's sad when Tim Owens, the guy who now sings in a Dio cover band, is more remembered than their new singer will be after he's fired due to poor response. And he will be fired. Iced Earth is metal. Not mediocre.

Jessica and I have been together for a week. I like Jessica. More than ex-girlfriends at least. I even Skyped with her during a Comedy Central Roast. For me, that's like sacrificing a family member to Skype. Though, don't worry, I did watch the entire Roast. I'd rather die alone than miss a Jeff Ross joke.

Anywho (another word that pisses me off), I don't know how often this will be updated. It's almost six in the morning here. I'm bored and sleepy. Married with Children is on television. I have to get to sleep before Home Improvement comes on and ruins my day. Ta ta for now.